Open air Axe throwing

Under cover Axe throwing

Open air Archery

Under cover Archery

Open air Axe throwing & Archery combo

Under cover Axe throwing & Archery combo
Staffed packages
These packages include all of the necessary equipment, transported to your desired location. The setting up and taking down. Whilst being completely managed by our trained staff. Full instruction is on hand throughout the event to keep your guests entertained, to maintain safety and provide tutoring on throwing and/or shooting techniques. If you want to manage your own event please consider one of our rental packages. Staffed packages pricing starts from £495.
Here is a brief run down of our staffed packages and how they differ. We currently have six standard packages on offer.
Gimli and Gloin are axe throwing only packages.
Legolas and Thranduil are archery only packages.
Aragorn and Arathorn are axe throwing and Archery combo packages.
Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn are all what we call open air packages meaning there is no tent included.
Gloin, Thranduil and Arathorn are all under cover packages so they include the 8x4 meter tent(s) and associated extras that come with it.
Please see the dedicated page for each package for more detailed info. You can find them in the home page menu or by clicking on the linked names above or their pictures.
All packages are 2 hours (including 10 minute safety briefing) as standard. Please request additional hours at time of booking if you would like to extend the duration.
If however, none of these packages quite suit your needs then please contact us with your requirements.